RTMP, HDS & HLS at the same time? Yep, we got that. Can we eliminate the delivery lag on desktops and laptops caused by transcoding to HLS/HDS? Yes...Yes, we can. ABetterPlayer gives you the ability to choose HDS or RTMP streaming for Flash, while still delivering HLS to HTML5 capable devices. ABetterPlayer is the only video delivery solution available that has this capability...at any price!

Most player solutions utilize a list method that puts either Flash or HTML5 first while using the other as a "Fallback". This leads to streaming limitations for both Live & On Demand delivery. With HTML5 first, you can't deliver streaming to desktops. With Flash first, many devices that would give a better experience with HTML5 are bogged down with Flash CPU Overhead. Let's face it, Steve Jobs was right on this one.

ABetterPlayer utilizes "Responsive Device Detection" to deliver the best possible player technology, streaming format, and interactive features suited to each device.

Contact Us now to download ABetterPlayer and try our online tools to easily convert your content into Interactive Presentations!